Monday, November 5, 2007

Here we go...

We met as friends, fell in love, and were married in the autumn of 2003. It's now been four years. Almost that entire time has been spent trying to have a family of our own. When it didn't happen like it is supposed to, we knew something was wrong. The visits to various doctors and specialists began and the costs began to rack up. We prayed and asked God, but no miracles came. His will is always perfect, even when we can't understand His ways.

We have experienced a lot of disappointment and heartbreak and some of our friends abandoned us. But God was always there. We know there are many who have been in our shoes and we grieve with them. This road is far from easy.

For a reason that doctors are not sure about, tests confirmed that both of my tubes are completely blocked. Possibly from scar tissue, the result of a surgery in 2005 that removed a baseball-sized fibroid. I never dreamed this would be my life.

We were resigned to the fact that we would probably never have biological children. Then, we were excited beyond words when our first "positive" pregnancy test on February 20, 2007 confirmed a miracle. But it ended up an ectopic pregnancy and our baby "Jewel" went to be with Jesus at 7 weeks. What a rollercoaster of emotion, from elation to devastation within 48 hours, when the diagnosis came. Thank the Lord for good doctors who know about these things.

God's love has been our sustaining comfort through all of this and we have grown closer. We sense that God has a plan--not just for us but for another person. Frozen embryo adoption has been on our minds for quite a while now.

We have begun the road to embryo adoption and pray for God's guidance, that we will do what He wants us to do. We pray for success. We hope to share this road so that others who feel they are left without hope of ever having children will know that there are options that bless not just the parents but the children who are meant to become ours.

God says His ways are not our ways and that His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. This is a good thing, because His ways are as perfect as He is. 100%. We can put our trust in Him, for He does know best. May our faith grow and are obedience be according to His will.

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